2009年5月8日 星期五

Radiohead - Street Spirit




彷彿那些不定型的渴望和害怕,在其中都得到了各自的詮釋和驗證 ...

(文底附了英文維基 Thom Yorke 對這首歌的感想:P)

Rows of houses, all bearing down on me

I can feel their blue hands touching me

All these things into position

All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And fade out again and fade out

This machine will, will not communicate

These thoughts and the strain I am under

Be a world child, form a circle

Before we all go under

And fade out again and fade out again

Cracked eggs, dead birds

Scream as they fight for life

I can feel death, can see its beady eyes

All these things into position

All these things we'll one day swallow whole

And fade out again and fade out again

Immerse your soul in love


Thom Yorke :

Street Spirit is our purest song, but I didn't write it. It wrote itself. We were just its messengers; its biological catalysts. Its core is a complete mystery to me, and, you know, I wouldn't ever try to write something that hopeless. All of our saddest songs have somewhere in them at least a glimmer of resolve. Street Spirit has no resolve. It is the dark tunnel without the light at the end. It represents all tragic emotion that is so hurtful that the sound of that melody is its only definition. We all have a way of dealing with that song. It's called detachment. Especially me; I detach my emotional radar from that song, or I couldn't play it. I'd crack. I'd break down on stage. That's why its lyrics are just a bunch of mini-stories or visual images as opposed to a cohesive explanation of its meaning. I used images set to the music that I thought would convey the emotional entirety of the lyric and music working together. That's what's meant by 'all these things you'll one day swallow whole'. I meant the emotional entirety, because I didn't have it in me to articulate the emotion. I'd crack... 


Street Spirit 是我們最純粹的一支作品,但並不是我創作出它的,而是它創作出了它自己。我們只是為它傳達訊息的信差。它像是某種催化劑,而它的核心意義對我而言非常神祕難解。而且,你知道的,我絕不會試著去創作令人絕望的事物。即使是我們最最悲傷的作品,仍然會至少蘊含一線希望與不屈不撓。但 Street Spirit 沒有希望可言。它像是一座終點處看不見亮光的漆黑隧道。它表現出來的情緒實在過於悲劇性,以致於它的旋律本身成為了它的唯一定義。我們有個辦法可以面對它,那就是抽離。尤其是我;我必須將情緒從這首曲子中抽離,否則我沒辦法演奏它。我會承受不住,我會在舞台上崩潰。這就是為何它的歌詞並不是對它自身意義的連貫解釋、而是一連串殘破的描述和視覺意象。我意圖藉著這些意象,讓整首歌的情緒整體和旋律能相互配合。這就是「all these things you'll one day swallow whole」所要表達的;我指的是那情緒整體,因為我沒有辦法讓自己完全地投入、並清楚地將之描述出來;我會崩潰的 ...

按這裡看原文:〈Street Spirit (Fade Out)〉

2 則留言:

  1. 密密麻麻的英文弄得我頭好疼




  2. 現在才發現這裡


